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HongYe furniture for hospitality

Views: 4     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-06-16      Origin: Site

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    The HongYe group has served the hospitality industry for more than ten years. Our multi functional look from Mid-Century modern to industrial fashion is what makes our variety easy to incorporate into hotels, restaurants and office spaces. You will find that most of our furniture has contract grade and is ready to be ordered. If you have additional requirements or specifications, we have a design team ready to make adjustments to suit your needs. 

    Through our comprehensive collection and global contacts, we provide you with the tools you need to move your vision from concept to completion. Hongye’s customizing capabilities combine high-quality production and shipping capacity with direct containers to meet your deadlines, making us the best source for your business projects. Our wide range of furniture adapts to many types of settings. Our team of experts can help you complete a comprehensive look that is exclusive to all of your convenient one-vendor. Our furniture covers all the rooms and situations.

The economy is more affordable
First-rate service

Contact Us
  No.1 Section, Heshan Industrial City, Heshan Town, Jiangmen City, Guangdong, China


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